We will bless the Lord and our praise for Him will always be in our hearts and on our lips! This is a decision we have made as a family, and as a network – at all times, and in every circumstance! We believe it’s a decision every one of our partners has made for themselves too. The truth is, we are living in days where being decisive, concerning God’s Word, is no longer an option – in fact, our very ability to overcome the trouble in this world depends on it.
James 1:8 in the Amplified Classic says,“[For being as he is] a man of two minds (hesitating, dubious, irresolute), [he is] unstable and unreliable and uncertain about everything [he thinks, feels, decides].”
We want to encourage you to make a decision to give yourself completely to growing in God and wholeheartedly pursuing His kingdom interests! In order to keep the life of God flowing, and fire of God burning in you – do not neglect gathering together with the saints!
If you are in South Africa, be sure to join us on the Revival Tour! Jenny and I, and our team will be in Cape Town on November 1-3; Pretoria on November 8-10 and Durban on November 17-19.
Go ahead and click on this link to register now!
Getting back to James’ warning about being indecisive; unless we are purposeful about understanding the authority we have over the devil, we will never be able to stand our ground in faith, in this world that has been turned upside down. Through the finished work of the cross, Jesus defeated the devil and stripped him of all power and means to harm the believer, who is in Christ Jesus. Knowing he is a defeated foe, gives us the confidence to refuse to be intimidated by the devil. In order to effectively resist him, and be steadfast in faith, we must be sure to not give him any room or foothold in our lives.
We do this by paying attention to our thought life. The battlefield of the mind is the place of first defence! The Bible teaches that we receive thoughts either from the Lord, the enemy, or ourselves. The problem is not receiving the thoughts, it’s what we do with them that matters. There are only two possible ways we can process each thought, either from the perspective of our carnal nature, or from the perspective of our spirit-man.
The spirit-man will always respond in line with God’s Word, while our flesh will respond based on what pleases us. Each response has an end result. Romans 8:6 tells us what that result will be: “Now the mind of the flesh [which is sense and reason without the Holy Spirit] is death [death that comprises all the miseries arising from sin, both here and hereafter]. But the mind of the [Holy] Spirit is life and [soul] peace [both now and forever].”.
The person who consistently renews his mind to the Word of God will never be indecisive or double-minded when responding to thoughts. He will immediately recognise what thoughts align with truth and what thoughts do not. If the thoughts are aligned with God’s, then he will welcome them, and they will produce life. However, if the thoughts are contrary to God’s Word, he will reject them and replace them with truth, and that corrected thought process will certainly keep him in a place of blessing, and far away from misery.
As a network, we are committed to consistently keep the truth of God’s Word flowing through the airwaves, over every nation in the world! It’s true that Christian content across the globe is being censured, in the attempt to steer people away from hope in Jesus. Praise God for the FaithNow app. You can download the app, subscribe, and watch a host of faith based, Christian content, at your convenience!
Just click on this link to subscribe and start watching today!
We want to make sure you are constantly renewing your mind to the truth of God’s Word, so you can be filled with faith to respond to your thought life in a way that is decisive and resolute, keeping you on the path of a prosperous, peaceful and victorious life.
Jenny and I want to thank you for your continued love and support. What a blessing it is to forge forward and fight the good fight of faith with such generous and loving people as you, our precious partners!